In these tough economic times, you or your business may receive a notice that a person or an entity that owes you money has filed Bankruptcy. At the Law Offices of Scott W. Spradley, P.A., we routinely represent creditors who may have claims against an individual or a business in bankruptcy.
It is important to know that creditors have rights, too. In a Chapter 11 business case, creditors often play a pivotal role in the reorganization proceedings, which, in turn, can result in substantial dividends paid by the debtor as the process evolves. In a Chapter 7 case, the Bankruptcy Code provides a mechanism for certain creditors to have their claims survive the bankruptcy. In a Chapter 13 case, it is important for creditors to be involved in the case to ensure that their claims are paid along with other similar claims.
Scott W. Spradley has over 20 years of experience in representing creditors in bankruptcy cases. Our creditor clients range from large, national banking institutions, to local credit unions, to small businesses and individuals who are owed money by a bankrupt party. Our creditor services include:
Preparing and filing Proofs of Claim to enable payment of claims through the liquidation or reorganization process
Instituting Relief From Stay proceedings to obtain permission from the Bankruptcy Court to resume foreclosures, repossessions and other collection activity
Representing secured creditors in all aspects of a Chapter 11 Reorganization case, from the commencement of the case to Confirmation and beyond
Bringing nondischargeability actions against individual debtors to enable a claim to survive a bankruptcy for debts incurred by fraud
Monitoring a bankruptcy case for you, to enable you to understand what is important to your claim and what is not
If a business or an individual owing you money has filed bankruptcy under any Chapter, call the Law Offices of Scott W. Spradley, P.A., so that we may discuss your rights and develop some solutions!